Advisory Group 8 - JTC 1 (2024)

Meta Reference Architecture and Reference Architecture for Systems Integration

September 2022

1. Overview

AG 8 has a history through a series of JTC 1 Plenary Resolutions since October 2017. JTC 1 AHG(Ad hoc Group), SG(Study Group) and AG(Advisory Group).

1-1. Resolution 17 of JTC 1 Plenary Resolutions (2-6 October 2017 in Vladivostok, Russia)

Resolution 17 – JTC 1 Meta Reference Architecture and Reference Architecture for Systems Integration

Noting that Meta Reference Architecture needs to provide the highest level of abstraction for multiple horizontal business domains under a systems-of-systems view, and that Meta Reference Architecture and Reference Architecture should allow business value assessment to select among potential alternative models and/or scenarios, JTC 1 accepts the meeting results of 2017 Plenary ad hoc group for Meta Reference Architecture and Meta Use Case, and requests that this group provide a report to the 2018 JTC 1 Plenary meeting on the progression of these activities.

JTC 1 establishes an ad hoc group on Meta Reference Architecture and Reference Architecture for Systems Integration with the following Terms of Reference:

Terms of Reference

1. Investigate and identify the best practices for Reference Architecture and Meta Reference Architecture that are relevant to JTC 1

2. Develop a document that contains a definition, concepts, processes, models, and templates on Meta Reference Architecture

3. Develop a document that contains a definition, concepts, processes, models, and templates on Reference Architecture

4. Provide recommendations for the actions for JTC 1 to successfully execute the Systems Integration efforts by utilizing Meta Reference Architecture

5. Invite inputs from IEC Technical and Systems Committees on Meta Reference Architecture

Membership of the Ad Hoc Group is open to JTC 1 National Bodies, JTC 1 Chairs and JTC 1/WG Convenors (or their designee). External organizations may be invited to participate as needed.

JTC 1 should encourage National Bodies for their experts’ participation in the Ad Hoc Group, especially, experts on Systems Integration. JTC 1/SCs and JTC 1/WGs are requested to send their representatives. JTC 1 Secretariat is requested to issue a call for participation in the Ad Hoc Group.

Byoung Nam Lee will serve as Convenor for the Ad Hoc Group on Meta Reference Architecture for Systems Integration and Reference Architecture.

A face-to-face meeting will be held in conjunction with the March 2018 JAG meeting; teleconference meetings will be scheduled as needed prior to the face-to-face meeting.

1-2. Resolution 14 of JTC 1 Plenary Resolutions (5-8 November 2018 in Stockholm, Sweden)

This resolution was made based on JTC 1 N13993(JTC 1 Meta Reference Architecture and Reference Architecture for Systems Integration Ad Hoc Group Report to the November 2018 JTC 1 Plenary meeting, Stockholm, Sweden)

Resolution 14 – Establishment of a JTC 1 Study Group (SG) on Meta Reference Architecture and Reference Architecture for Systems Integration

JTC 1 establishes a Study Group (SG) on Meta Reference Architecture and Reference Architecture for Systems Integration with the following Terms of Reference:

1. Investigate and identify the current practices (including definition, concepts, processes, models, and templates) for development of Reference Architecture and Meta Reference Architecture in Systems Integration contexts that are relevant to JTC 1;

2. Develop a document that contains a definition, concepts, processes, models, and templates on Meta Reference Architecture for Systems Integration entities;

3. Provide recommendations for the actions for JTC 1 to successfully execute the Systems Integration efforts by utilizing Meta Reference Architecture;

Membership is open to:

1. JTC 1 National Bodies, JTC 1 Liaison Organizations and approved JTC 1 PAS Submitters;

2. Representatives of JTC 1/SCs, JTC 1/WGs, relevant ISO and IEC TCs;

3. Members of ISO Central Secretariat and IEC Central Office;

4. Invited standards setting organizations that are engaged in Meta Reference Architecture as approved by the SG.

The Study Group will invite IEC Systems Committees to provide inputs on Meta Reference Architecture.

JTC 1 National Bodies should encourage their delegates’ participation in the Study Group, especially, those who are experts on Systems Integration standardization. JTC 1/SCs and JTC 1/WGs are requested to send their representatives.

Convenor: Byoung Nam Lee

Initial members include: France, Ireland, Japan, Korea, US, UK, SC 7, SC 27, SC 41, SC 42, JTC 1/WG 11 and the European Commission.

JTC 1 instructs its Secretariat to issue a call for additional participation.

The Study Group will meet primarily by electronic means, but may hold face-to-face meetings.

The Study Group is instructed to submit a report and recommendations by 25 March 2019 for consideration at the May 2019 JTC 1 Plenary meeting.

A face-to-face meeting will be held in conjunction with the May 2019 JTC 1 Plenary meeting; teleconference meetings will be scheduled as needed prior to the face-to-face meeting.

1-3. Resolution 22 of JTC 1 Plenary Resolutions (6-10 May 2019 in Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii)

Resolution 22 – Reconstitution of the JTC 1 Advisory Group (AG) on Meta Reference

Architecture and Reference Architecture for Systems Integration

JTC 1 reconstitutes the Advisory Group (AG) on Meta Reference Architecture and Reference

Architecture for Systems Integration with the following Terms of Reference:

1. Investigate and identify the current practices (including definition, concepts, processes,

models, and templates) for development of Reference Architecture and Meta

Reference Architecture in Systems Integration contexts that are relevant to JTC 1;

2. Develop a document that contains a definition, concepts, processes, models, and

templates on Meta Reference Architecture for Systems Integration entities;

3. Engage with standards setting organizations that are involved in Meta Reference

Architecture as approved by the AG.

4. Provide recommendations for the actions for JTC 1 to successfully execute the

Systems Integration efforts by utilizing Meta Reference Architecture;

Membership is open to:

1. Experts nominated by JTC 1 National Bodies,

2. One representative per JTC 1 Liaison Organization and per approved JTC 1 PAS


3. One representative per JTC 1/SC, JTC 1/WG, relevant ISO and IEC Committees;

4. Members of ISO Central Secretariat and IEC Central Office

The Advisory Group will invite IEC Systems Committees to provide inputs on Meta Reference Architecture.

Convenor: Byoung Nam Lee

Duration: Through the May 2020 JTC 1 Plenary

The Advisory Group is instructed to submit an interim report by 23 September 2019 for consideration at the November 2019 JTC 1 Plenary meeting and a subsequent report to the May 2020 JTC 1 Plenary.

A face-to-face meeting will be held in conjunction with the November 2019 JTC 1 Plenary meeting; teleconference meetings will be scheduled as needed prior to the face-to-face meeting.

1-4. Resolution 23 of JTC 1 Plenary Resolutions (6-10 May 2019 in Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii)

Resolution 23 – JTC 1 Meta-Reference Architecture Workshop

JTC 1 authorizes the JTC 1 Meta-Reference Architecture Advisory Group to convene a workshop on August 20-22, 2019 at École de technologie supérieure(ETS), Montréal, Québec, Canada. An initial draft program is identified in document JTC 1 N14236.

The final program will also be posted as a JTC 1 document with an invitation for participation.

The Advisory Group is instructed to include a report of the workshop in its overall Advisory Group report for consideration at the November 2019 JTC 1 Plenary meeting.

1-5. Resolution 17 of JTC 1 Plenary Resolutions (2-6 and 9 November 2020 in Virtual Meeting)

Resolution 17 – Reconstitution of JTC 1 Advisory Group 8 (AG 8) on Meta Reference

Architecture and Reference Architecture for Systems Integration

JTC 1 reconstitutes Advisory Group 8 on Meta Reference Architecture and Reference

Architecture for Systems Integration with the following Terms of Reference:

1. Develop a Guide for Reference Architecture for Systems Integration

2. Develop a document that contains a definition, concepts, processes, models, and templates

on Meta Reference Architecture for Systems Integration entities;

3. Investigate and identify the current practices for development of guidance on use

cases pertaining to reference architectures in Systems Integration contexts that are relevant

to JTC 1;

4. Engage with standards setting organizations that are involved in Meta Reference Architecture

as approved by the AG;

5. Provide recommendations for the actions for JTC 1 to successfully execute the Systems

Integration efforts by utilizing Meta Reference Architecture;

6. Provide a recommendation to JTC 1 on how to manage the development and dissemination

of use cases in JTC 1.

Membership is open to:

1. Individuals nominated by JTC 1 National Bodies

2. One representative per JTC 1 Liaison Organization

3. One representative per JTC 1/SC, JTC 1/WG, JTC 1/AG, relevant ISO and IEC Committees

4. Members of ISO Central Secretariat and IEC Central Office

Meetings: JTC 1/AG 8 will meet primarily by electronic means, holding at least one meeting for a workshop per year and additional meetings co-located with the JTC 1 Plenary meetings as appropriate.

Duration: Through the November 2021 JTC 1 Plenary

Convenor: Byoung Nam Lee

JTC 1/AG 8 is instructed to submit a report by 15 March 2021 for consideration at the May 2021 JTC 1 Plenary and a subsequent report at the November 2021 JTC 1 Plenary.

JTC 1/AG 8 is instructed to include a report of the workshop in its overall Advisory Group report for consideration at the November 2021 JTC 1 Plenary.

Abstain: Japan

All the documents that produced by Advisory Group 8 are accessible at the following ISO/IEC JTC 1 website:

1-6. Resolution 9 of JTC 1 Plenary Resolutions (8-15 November 2021 in Virtual Meeting)

Resolution 9 – Reconstitution of JTC 1 Advisory Group 8 (AG 8) on Meta Reference

Architecture and Reference Architecture for Systems Integration

JTC 1 reconstitutes Advisory Group 8 (AG 8) on Meta Reference Architecture and Reference

Architecture for Systems Integration with the following Terms of Reference:

1. Develop a document that contains a definition, concepts, processes, models, and templates

on Meta Reference Architecture for Systems Integration entities;

2. Deliver the document, along with a recommendation on its progression, to JTC 1 by the

deadline for initial contributions to November 2022 JTC 1 Plenary;

3. Rely on Trustworthiness work developed in JTC 1/WG 13 and other Subcommittees, as


Membership is open to:

1. Individuals nominated by JTC 1 National Bodies (representing the interests of their NBs)

2. One representative per JTC 1 Liaison Organization

3. One representative per JTC 1/SC, JTC 1/WG, JTC 1/AG, relevant ISO and IEC Committees

4. Members of ISO Central Secretariat and IEC Central Office

Meetings: JTC 1/AG 8 will meet primarily by electronic means, holding at least one meeting for a workshop per year and additional meetings co-located with the JTC 1 Plenary meetings as appropriate.

Duration: Through the November 2022 JTC 1 Plenary

Convenor: Byoung Nam Lee

JTC 1/AG 8 is instructed to submit a report by 14 March 2022 for consideration at the May 2022 JTC 1 Plenary and a subsequent report at the November 2022 JTC 1 Plenary.

2. Membership

AG 8 members come from 15 National Bodies, ISO and IEC Central Office and Liaison. National Bodies include Canada, China, Costa Rica, Finland, France, Germany, India, Japan, Korea (Republic of), Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and United States.

3. Liaison

1EC – European Commission
2IEC/TC 100
3ISO/TC 184
4ISO/TC 215
5JTC1/SC 7 (informal)
6JTC1/SC 27 (informal)
7JTC1/SC 38 (informal)
8JTC1/SC 41 (informal)
9JTC1/SC 42 (informal)
10JTC 1/WG 11 (informal)
11JTC 1/WG 13 (informal)

4. Meeting Records

Ad Hoc Group (October 2017~November 2018)

1st AHG F2F meeting was held in March 13 & 14, 2018 in Takamatsu, Japan.

2nd AHG F2F meeting was held in August 20, 2018 in Toronto, Canada.

3rd AHG F2F meeting was held in November 5 & 7, 2018 in Stockholm, Sweden.

Ad Hoc Group had 3 teleconferences:

– 1st AHG teleconference in March 2, 2018

– 2nd AHG teleconference in September 28, 2018

– 3rd AHG teleconference in October 12, 2018

Study Group (November 2018~May 2019)

1st Study Group F2F meeting was held in May 9, 2019 in Hawaii, United States.

Study Group had 5 teleconferences:

– 1st Study Group teleconference in December 21, 2018

– 2nd Study Group teleconference in January 25, 2019

– 3rd Study Group teleconference in February 22, 2019

– 4th Study Group teleconference in March 22, 2019

– 5th Study Group teleconference in April 12, 2019

Advisory Group (May 2019~present)

1st Advisory Group F2F meeting was held in August 20-22, 2019 in Montréal, Canada

2nd Advisory Group F2F meeting was held in November 3, 2019 in New Delhi, India.

3rd Advisory Group Virtual meeting was held in September 1-4 & 7, 2020.

4th Advisory Group Virtual meeting was held in August 23-27, 2021.

5th Advisory Group Virtual meeting was held in August 22-26, 2022.

Advisory Group had 24 teleconferences:

– 1st Advisory Group teleconference in June 28, 2019

– 2nd Advisory Group teleconference in July 26, 2019

– 3rd Advisory Group teleconference in August 5, 2019

– 4th Advisory Group teleconference September 18, 2019

– 5th Advisory Group teleconference in October 4, 2019

– 6th Advisory Group teleconference in December 13, 2019

– 7th Advisory Group teleconference in January 31, 2020

– 8th Advisory Group teleconference in February 28, 2020

– 9th Advisory Group teleconference in March 27, 2020

– 10th Advisory Group teleconference in April 17, 2020

– 11th Advisory Group teleconference in May 11, 2020

– 12th Advisory Group teleconference in June 19, 2020

– 13th Advisory Group teleconference in July 17, 2020

– 14th Advisory Group teleconference in August 14, 2020

– 15th Advisory Group teleconference in September 18, 2020

– 16th Advisory Group teleconference in October 9, 2020

– 17th Advisory Group teleconference in November 13, 2020

– 18th Advisory Group teleconference in December 18, 2020

– 19th Advisory Group teleconference in February 5, 2021

– 20th Advisory Group teleconference in March 5, 2021

– 21st Advisory Group teleconference in April 9, 2021

– 22nd Advisory Group teleconference in May 21, 2021

– 23rd Advisory Group teleconference in June 18, 2021

– 24th Advisory Group teleconference in July 16, 2021

– 25th Advisory Group teleconference in September 17, 2021

– 26th Advisory Group teleconference in October 15, 2021

– 27th Advisory Group teleconference in November 19, 2021

– 28th Advisory Group teleconference in December 22, 2021

– 29th Advisory Group teleconference in January 28, 2022

– 30th Advisory Group teleconference in February 25, 2022

– 31st Advisory Group teleconference in March 25, 2022

– 32nd Advisory Group teleconference in April 29, 2022

– 33rd Advisory Group teleconference in May 20, 2022

– 34th Advisory Group teleconference in June 24, 2022

– 35th Advisory Group teleconference in July 22, 2022

– 36th Advisory Group teleconference in August 5, 2022

– 37th Advisory Group teleconference in August 11, 2022

5. Picture

1st Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC 1 AG 8 (20–22 August 2019 in Montréal, Québec, Canada)

Advisory Group 8 - JTC 1 (1)
Advisory Group 8 - JTC 1 (2)

4th Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC 1 AG 8 (23–27 August 2021, Virtual)

Advisory Group 8 - JTC 1 (3)
Advisory Group 8 - JTC 1 (4)
Advisory Group 8 - JTC 1 (2024)
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Author: Arielle Torp

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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

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Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.