Veterans Benefits Network-C&P Exam for Bilateral Foot Problems (2024)

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Veterans Benefits Network-C&P Exam for Bilateral Foot Problems (1)





    Feb 07, 2019#1

    Today I went in for a CP exam for bilateral foot conditions. I was seen by a V.A. nurse practioner. She listened to my story of my foot problems and I informed her of being admitted to Tampa VA Chronic Pain Management Team for care.

    After my story she asked where I was stationed and when did I initially get foot treatment in service. I gave her the dates and told her about boot inserts and how they really didn't help me. she also asked if I was able to purchase OTC insoles. I answered and she simply shook her head. After looking at my SMR's she said my records were very hard to read and that I was diagnosed with pes planus and plantar fasciitis in 1992. My earlier records from 1988 she said couldn't be read.

    She also told me that my all of my toes are deformed with "hammertoes".

    Will plantar fascitiis, pes planus, and "hammertoes" be rated bilaterally or individually since both of my feet are affected?



    R.I.P. JohnVeterans Benefits Network-C&P Exam for Bilateral Foot Problems (2)



      Feb 07, 2019#2

      I think it should be bi-lateral since it effects both sides in question.

      100% P and T



      AdministratorVeterans Benefits Network-C&P Exam for Bilateral Foot Problems (3)



        Feb 07, 2019#3

        Pes Planus and Plantar Fascitiis will be a single rating as the latter is rated analogous to the former. As for the rating of it, it will depend. I believe you can be rated each side if there is differing severity, or rated a single bilateral rating for both.

        As far as the hammer toes:

        Code5282: When the toes are permanently bent, they are calledhammer toes.Often hammer toes are the result of claw foot. In these cases, hammer toes cannot be rated separately. Rate the entire condition under claw foot. If all the toes are hammer toes, but the foot is not a claw foot, then it is rated 10%. Single hammer toes are rated 0%.

        100% P&T

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          10 Year MemberVeterans Benefits Network-C&P Exam for Bilateral Foot Problems (4)



            Feb 07, 2019#4

            I get 50% for bilateral pes planus, 0% bilateral hallux valgus and 10% for each foot for hammertoes............

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                Feb 08, 2019#5

                I was rated for Planter Fascitiis 30%, was and still am confused as its just a single rating. Doesnt say bilateral which is strange because it effects both feet. Anyone been rated one rating for both feet?

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                  AdministratorVeterans Benefits Network-C&P Exam for Bilateral Foot Problems (5)



                    Feb 08, 2019#6

                    seniorchief000 wrote:I was rated for Planter Fascitiis 30%, was and still am confused as its just a single rating. Doesnt say bilateral which is strange because it effects both feet. Anyone been rated one rating for both feet?

                    Look at the schedule of ratings. My guess is that you have a single bi-lateral rating. That is the most common for both feet being impacted as separate severity isn't that usual.

                    100% P&T

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                        Feb 08, 2019#7

                        Guldolphin wrote:Pes Planus and Plantar Fascitiis will be a single rating as the latter is rated analogous to the former. As for the rating of it, it will depend. I believe you can be rated each side if there is differing severity, or rated a single bilateral rating for both.

                        As far as the hammer toes:

                        Code5282: When the toes are permanently bent, they are calledhammer toes.Often hammer toes are the result of claw foot. In these cases, hammer toes cannot be rated separately. Rate the entire condition under claw foot. If all the toes are hammer toes, but the foot is not a claw foot, then it is rated 10%. Single hammer toes are rated 0%.

                        So, if I'm understanding you correctly, I could be rated for plantar fascitiis and claw foot deformity since ALL of my toes are hammer toes.

                        Claw foot - 10%
                        Plantar Fascitiis - ?

                        Thanks for the reply. Waiting on ebennies now.



                        AdministratorVeterans Benefits Network-C&P Exam for Bilateral Foot Problems (6)



                          Feb 08, 2019#8

                          Correct. However the entire foot cannot be rated over 40% as 40% is the highest rating for an amputation. That is each foot. Not bi-laterally.

                          100% P&T





                            Feb 08, 2019#9

                            So if its a single rating for both feet as mine was with the 30%. It would not be considered bi-lateral when I go to put the percentages into the calculator. So just count it as a single 30%?



                            AdministratorVeterans Benefits Network-C&P Exam for Bilateral Foot Problems (7)



                              Feb 08, 2019#10

                              seniorchief000 wrote:So if its a single rating for both feet as mine was with the 30%. It would not be considered bi-lateral when I go to put the percentages into the calculator. So just count it as a single 30%?

                              yes and no.....

                              If you have other ratings impacting your limbs you would include it.

                              100% P&T





                                Feb 08, 2019#11

                                I have 10% for left and 10% Thumb, 10% L ankle 10% Right Ankle, 20% for left knee 30% Right knee



                                AdministratorVeterans Benefits Network-C&P Exam for Bilateral Foot Problems (8)



                                  Feb 08, 2019#12

                                  So with you have knee and ankle issues, you would put that bi-lateral rating into your bi-laterals for the calculator

                                  100% P&T





                                    Feb 08, 2019#13

                                    would my left and right thumb surgeries be considered bilateral since each was given 10%



                                    AdministratorVeterans Benefits Network-C&P Exam for Bilateral Foot Problems (9)



                                      Feb 08, 2019#14

                                      Yes. I stated knees and ankles as those are the limbs relevant to your feet including.

                                      100% P&T





                                        Feb 08, 2019#15

                                        ah ok, understood. Thank you





                                          Feb 23, 2019#16

                                          Thanks for clearing up the bilateral computing.
                                          The main issue I found off putting about my cp exam is the fact that the nurse practitioner couldn't read my medical records. She literally showed me on the screen how light print my records were.
                                          But she did say that she could see that plantar fasciitis was noted in records while i was stationed in Germany in 1992.
                                          So is plantar fasciitis rated at 30%?

                                            Mar 11, 2019#17

                                            OK.. I looked in MyHealthyVet and found CP Exam DBQ for my foot exam. Can someone tell me if this verbiage means granted or denied?

                                            a. The condition claimed was at least as likely as not (50% or greater probability) incurred in or caused by the claimed in-service injury, event or illness.
                                            c. Rationale: EAS: 20 Feb 1986 RAS: 13 July 1993
                                            STR dtd 23 March 1992 C/o fallen arches Dx Plantar Fasciitis P: arch supports.
                                            The Veteran complained of foot pain and fallen arches in 1992 while in service. He was prescribed arch supports. His entrance exam showed normal
                                            CONFIDENTIAL Page 22 of 69
                                            feet. He still has bilateral foot pain and xrays show pes planus. Therefore it is at least as likely as not the Veteran's claimed flate feet were caused by or incurred during service.



                                            10 Year MemberVeterans Benefits Network-C&P Exam for Bilateral Foot Problems (10)



                                              Mar 13, 2019#18

                                              "It is at least likely as not the Veterans claimed flat feet were caused by or incurred during service" is favorable, good luck!!



                                              AdministratorVeterans Benefits Network-C&P Exam for Bilateral Foot Problems (11)



                                                Mar 14, 2019#19

                                                Keep in mind a favorable C&P exam does not mean you will be awarded. I have had 2 denials taken to the BVA that had favorable C&Ps and still denied.

                                                100% P&T





                                                  Mar 15, 2019#20

                                                  Guldolphin wrote:Keep in mind a favorable C&P exam does not mean you will be awarded. I have had 2 denials taken to the BVA that had favorable C&Ps and still denied.

                                                  How does a positive CP exam warrant a denial? Doesn't that make confidence in the system useless?





                                                    Mar 15, 2019#21

                                                    I have also had a favorable opinion be denied so yes if for example the examiner notes all the evidence of things in the STRs and it is not really in the STRs then it will still be denied (although I would send it back to the examiner for clarification first) because there must be evidence of an in service event and solely lay statements from the Veteran without corroborating evidence does not meet the standard.

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                                                        Apr 11, 2019#22

                                                        Two months and counting. Still no word on foot issues. However, I have had 2 more CP exams in the meantime. One for a bum shoulder I claimed as secondary to a fall when I broke my back. And the second CP exam was for PTSD.

                                                        Question: If I am approved for PTSD on this second CP exam will the effective date go back to my initial claim date?





                                                          Apr 12, 2019#23

                                                          levelheaded4ever wrote:because there must be evidence of an in service event and solely lay statements from the Veteran without corroborating evidence does not meet the standard.

                                                          Actually, the CAVC has ruled multiple times that lay evidence alone is sufficient to establish an in-service event.

                                                          See Dalton v. Nicholson, 21 Vet. App. 23 (2007) (holding that an examination must consider lay evidence of in-service incurrence or continuity of symptomatology since service). In Dalton, the Court found a VA opinion inadequate where the examiner did not comment on the Veteran's report of in-service injury and, instead, relied exclusively on the lack of evidence in the service treatment records (STRs) to provide a negative opinion). See Dalton at 39-40

                                                          If the Board finds his or her testimony credible, a claimant does not need competent medical evidence to substantiate his or her claim. See Savage v. Gober,10 Vet. App. 488, 495–96 (1997) (holding that, per 38 C.F.R. section 3.303(b), medical evidence of nexus is not required for benefits if the veteran demonstrates continuity of symptoms between his present disability and service);see also Davidson v. Shinseki,581 F.3d 1313, 1316 (Fed. Cir. 2009). Arneson v. Shinseki, 24 Vet. App. 379, 388 (2011).

                                                          ("The absence of actual evidence is not substantive 'negative evidence'")). Jones v. Shinseki, 23 Vet. App. 382, 387-88 (2010).

                                                          The Board "cannot determine that lay evidence lacks credibility merely because it is unaccompanied by contemporaneous medical evidence." Buchanan, 451 F.3d at 1337. Section 3.307(b) does not require both medical and competent lay evidence to establish the existence of a chronic disease, and thus, "competent lay evidence can be sufficient in and of itself" to establish entitlement to a benefit. Buchanan, 451 F.3d at 1335 (citing 38 C.F.R. § 3.307(b) (in claiming chronic disease, "factual basis may be established by medical evidence, competent lay evidence[,] or both.")).

                                                          Mugsy2010, EKco22, tonygreene113 like this post

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                                                              Apr 12, 2019#24

                                                              Just checked ebenefits today for all of my claimed issues. Went to preparation for a decision from the review status. and the dates have been changed to 3 months sooner than the initial estimate.

                                                              Fingers and toes crossed for positivity...





                                                                Apr 13, 2019#25

                                                                III.iv.5.A.6.a. Acceptable Lay EvidenceLay evidence is acceptable for the purpose of establishing service incurrence or aggravation, in the absence of STRs, for a combat Veteran or FPOW, if the evidence
                                                                • is satisfactory
                                                                • is consistent with the circ*mstances, conditions, or hardships of combat or FPOW internment, and
                                                                • can prevail in spite of the absence of official records showing incurrence or aggravation of the disease or injury during service.
                                                                Important: Medical evidence of a link to a current condition is still needed to establish SC.

                                                                A non-combat Veteran’s lay statements may be acceptable for establishing service incurrence or aggravation but must be weighed against other evidence in the claims folder including the absence of military records documenting or supporting the statements.

                                                                My point is normalJohn Doerater is not going to stick their neck out to service connecton just a lay statement; national quality would crush us...A DRO maybe, as their quality gives them more leeway on less than clear theories of service connection....and the BVA well they can pretty much service connect whatever they want too because they can.

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                                                                    Apr 15, 2019#26

                                                                    My STRs show evidence of all my issues. I don't understand why you keep adding comments to the contrary. In my initial post, the CP examiner stated she couldn't "read or make out" what my sick call visit was for because of the poor copy. Not that it didn't show in my treatment records.



                                                                    AdministratorVeterans Benefits Network-C&P Exam for Bilateral Foot Problems (12)



                                                                      Apr 15, 2019#27

                                                                      You will need to wait for the letter from the VA. However it looks positive based on the C&P. As far as the rating:

                                                                      5276 Flatfoot, acquired:

                                                                      Pronounced; marked pronation, extreme tenderness of plantar
                                                                      surfaces of the feet, marked inward displacement and severe spasm
                                                                      of the tendo achillis on manipulation, not improved by orthopedic
                                                                      shoes or appliances:
                                                                      Bilateral........................................................................................................... 50 ,.,,
                                                                      Unilateral ........................................................................................................ 30
                                                                      Severe; objective evidence of marked deformity (pronation,
                                                                      abduction, etc.), pain on manipulation and use accentuated,
                                                                      indication of swelling on use, characteristic callosities:
                                                                      Bilateral........................................................................................................... 30
                                                                      Unilateral......................................................................................................... 20 , ,,
                                                                      Moderate; weight-bearing line over or medial to great toe, inward
                                                                      bowing of the tendo achillis, pain on manipulation and use of
                                                                      the feet, bilateral or unilateral ............................................................................. 10
                                                                      Mild: symptoms relieved by built-up shoe or arch support........................................ 0

                                                                      It will depend on the rest of the C&P exam. Simply having inserts does not equate to 30%.

                                                                      100% P&T

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                                                                          Apr 16, 2019#28

                                                                          Just checked ebennies and found date for estimated completion moved up to 4/17-4/18 and preperation for notification.
                                                                          No change noted in percentages. Looks like another loser for me.
                                                                          Supplemental lane here I come.



                                                                          AdministratorVeterans Benefits Network-C&P Exam for Bilateral Foot Problems (13)



                                                                            Apr 16, 2019#29

                                                                            tonygreene113 wrote:Just checked ebennies and found date for estimated completion moved up to 4/17-4/18 and preperation for notification.
                                                                            No change noted in percentages. Looks like another loser for me.
                                                                            Supplemental lane here I come.

                                                                            You will not see any change until the claim moves to closed.

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                                                                              AdministratorVeterans Benefits Network-C&P Exam for Bilateral Foot Problems (14)



                                                                                Apr 16, 2019#30

                                                                                ibeathinker wrote:
                                                                                Actually, the CAVC has ruled multiple times that lay evidence alone is sufficient to establish an in-service event.

                                                                                Lay evidence was acceptable as evidence of an in-service event well before the CAVC even existed. I started doing this job in 1976 and it was well accepted back then; however, then as well as now the evidence must be deemed "credible" and whether it is credible or not is a judgment call by the decision maker.

                                                                                In almost every case, again both then and now, if there is nothing to support the assertion beyond the claimant's statement (which is obviously self serving) then little if any weight is given to the statement. Nothing the CAVC has said changes that.






                                                                                  Apr 29, 2019#31

                                                                                  Well I finally received a decision. Rater gave me favorable decision on three things I was initially denied on from appeal.
                                                                                  This was odd since injury was deemed in-service and no other evidence was added.
                                                                                  The feet wasn't approved compensable at 0%. This is what was weird to me.
                                                                                  But I think i have a good argument for establishing an earlier effective date back to when shoulder injury since it was tied to an already compensated claim.

                                                                                  In human math disabilities totalled 160%, VA math brought it to 90% . But granted 100% p&t so...its all good for now.



                                                                                  AdministratorVeterans Benefits Network-C&P Exam for Bilateral Foot Problems (15)



                                                                                    Apr 29, 2019#32

                                                                                    tonygreene113 wrote:Well I finally received a decision. Rater gave me favorable decision on three things I was initially denied on from appeal.
                                                                                    This was odd since injury was deemed in-service and no other evidence was added.

                                                                                    There had to be something new otherwise there would be nothing to warrant re-opening the claim.

                                                                                    The feet wasn't approved compensable at 0%. This is what was weird to me.

                                                                                    I don't know what you are trying to say. Did you mean that they granted service connection and assigned a 0 percent evaluation? If so, what is weird about that? I did that many times.

                                                                                    But I think i have a good argument for establishing an earlier effective date back to when shoulder injury since it was tied to an already compensated claim.

                                                                                    What is the argument that you have? I don't see anything in what you said that would be a basis for an earlier effective date so I assume that there is more.






                                                                                      May 08, 2019#33

                                                                                      I was denied for shoulder injury that actually occurred during fall from rapelling tower.
                                                                                      Orthopedic x-ray of shoulder showed old injury.
                                                                                      Yes service connected for flatfeet compensable at 0%.

                                                                                      Veterans Benefits Network-C&P Exam for Bilateral Foot Problems (2024)
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