a&o Hostels & Hotels - central, affordable and comfortable (2024)

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'); $('#ageKids' + i + ' option[value="' + ageKids[i] + '"]').attr("selected", "selected"); } } $( document ).ready(function() { sessionStorage.setItem('city', ''); }); var dataLayer = dataLayer || []; dataLayer.push({ 'PageType': 'Listingpage', 'HashedEmail': '', 'ProductIDList': [ '28', ] }); $(function() { var maxDate = moment().add(2, 'year').format("DD.MM.YYYY"); var startDate = moment().format("DD.MM.YYYY"); var endDate = moment().add(1, 'days').format("DD.MM.YYYY"); if(isLocalStorageNameSupported() == true && sessionStorage.getItem("arrival") && sessionStorage.getItem("departure")) { startDate = moment(sessionStorage.getItem("arrival"),"DD.MM.YYYY").format("DD.MM.YYYY"); endDate = moment(sessionStorage.getItem("departure"),"DD.MM.YYYY").format("DD.MM.YYYY"); $('input[name="daterange"]' ).val(startDate + " - " + endDate); } $('input[name="daterange"]').daterangepicker({ opens: 'center', autoUpdateInput: false, minDate: moment(), maxDate: maxDate, startDate: startDate, endDate: endDate, "locale": { "format": "DD.MM.YYYY", "separator": " - ", "applyLabel": "Apply", "cancelLabel": "Cancel", "fromLabel": "From", "toLabel": "To", "customRangeLabel": "Custom", "weekLabel": "W", "daysOfWeek": [ "Su", "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa" ], "monthNames": [ "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" ] } }, function(start_date, end_date) { $( 'input[name="daterange"]' ).val(start_date.format('DD.MM.YYYY')+' - '+end_date.format('DD.MM.YYYY')); }); $( 'input[name="daterange"]' ).on('apply.daterangepicker', function(ev, picker) { $(".hiddenArrival").val(picker.startDate.format('DD.MM.YYYY')); $(".hiddenDeparture").val(picker.endDate.format('DD.MM.YYYY')); $('#newCalendar').val($(".hiddenArrival").val() + ' - ' + $(".hiddenDeparture").val()) $("#newCalendar").removeAttr("style"); $(".calendarContainer").removeClass("focus warning"); }); $( 'input[name="daterange"]' ).on('hide.daterangepicker', function(ev, picker) { $(".hiddenArrival").val(picker.startDate.format('DD.MM.YYYY')); $(".hiddenDeparture").val(picker.endDate.format('DD.MM.YYYY')); $("#newCalendar").removeAttr("style"); }); }); var parents = ""; var children1 = 0; var children2 = 0; var children3 = 0; var children4 = 0; var children = 0; if(isLocalStorageNameSupported() == true && sessionStorage.getItem("adults") && sessionStorage.getItem("childs")){ children1 = sessionStorage.getItem("childs1"); children2 = sessionStorage.getItem("childs2"); $("#childs").val(sessionStorage.getItem("childs")); var childs = sessionStorage.getItem("childs"); var city_name = ''; } if (city_name === 'Salzburg' || city_name === 'Graz' || city_name === 'Amsterdam' || city_name === 'Rotterdam' || city_name === 'Antwerpen') { if (sessionStorage.getItem("childs3") != null){ $('#child3').val(sessionStorage.getItem("childs3")); } } if (city_name === 'Venedig') { if (sessionStorage.getItem("childs3") != null){ $('#child3').val(sessionStorage.getItem("childs3")); } if (sessionStorage.getItem("childs4") != null){ $('#child4').val(sessionStorage.getItem("childs4")); } } if($("#adults").val() > 1){ parents = $("#adults").val() + " Adults"; }else{ parents = $("#adults").val() + " Adult"; } var childrenNumber = children1 + children2 + children3 + children4; if(childs != 0){ if(childs > 1){ children = childs + " Children"; }else{ children = childs + " Child"; } } if($("#adults").val() >= 0 && childs <= 0){ $(".peoplesInput").val(parents); }else{ $(".peoplesInput").val(parents + ", " + children); } // Overlay for categories $(".openTouristInfo").click(function(){ var touristInfoContent = $(".touristInfoContent").height() + 40; if($(".touristInfoBlock").hasClass("open")){ $(".touristInfoBlock").animate({height:"130"}); $(".touristInfoBlock").removeClass("open"); $(".openTouristInfo").animate({rotate:0}); }else{ $(".touristInfoBlock").animate({height:touristInfoContent}); $(".touristInfoBlock").addClass("open"); $(".openTouristInfo").css("transform","rotate:180deg"); } }); //Check if there is saved filters checkFilters(); function getRoomHtml(room, house,adults,childs) { var imageUrl = ''; let from_only = 'from' if(room.adults === adults && room.children >=childs) { from_only = 'only' } //image if (room.type === 'single') { imageUrl = 'single-room.svg'; } else if (room.type === 'double' || room.type === 'triple' || room.type === 'family') { imageUrl = 'double-room.svg'; } else if (room.type === 'dorm') { imageUrl = 'dorm.svg'; } var language = "en"; var description = ""; if(room.room_type==1) { if(language == 'de') { description += "Gesamtpreis pro Zimmer - " } else { description += "Total price per room - " } } else { if(language == 'de') { description += "Gesamtpreis pro Bett - "; } else { description += "Total price per bed - "; } } if(description) { if(room.type == 'dorm') { description+= room.ga_name; } else { description += room.name } } var fullUrl = '/' + 'en' + '/' + '' + '/' + house; return `

a&o Hostels & Hotels - central, affordable and comfortable (1)

`+from_only+` ${room.total_price} €


`; } // City tool $(".cityBtn").click(function() { $('.cityBtn').html(''); $('.houses-loader').show(); var child1Val = 0; var child2Val = 0; var child3Val = 0; var child4Val = 0; $("#child1, input[name=children1]").val(child1Val); $("#child2, input[name=children2]").val(child2Val); $("#child3, input[name=children3]").val(child3Val); $("#child4, input[name=children4]").val(child4Val); var adultsVal = parseInt(sessionStorage.getItem("adults")) var childsVal = parseInt($("#childs").val()); console.log(adultsVal,childsVal); var selectedOption = $(".select-options ul li.active"); var cityName = selectedOption.attr("data-city"); var originalCity = ''; var city_url = $(".select-options ul li.active").attr("rel"); if(cityName != "Venedig" && cityName != "Graz" && cityName != "Salzburg" && cityName != "Amsterdam"&& cityName != "Rotterdam"){ $("#ageKidContainer select").each(function(){ if($(this).val() <= 6){ child1Val = child1Val + 1; $("#child1").val(child1Val); } if($(this).val() > 6){ child2Val = child2Val + 1; $("#child2").val(child2Val); } }); }else if(cityName == "Venedig"){ $("#ageKidContainer select").each(function(){ if($(this).val() <= 6){ child1Val = child1Val + 1; $("#child1").val(child1Val); } if($(this).val() > 6 && $(this).val() <= 9){ child2Val = child2Val + 1; $("#child2").val(child2Val); } if($(this).val() > 9 && $(this).val() <= 15){ child3Val = child3Val + 1; $("#child3").val(child3Val); } if($(this).val() > 15 && $(this).val() <= 17){ child4Val = child4Val + 1; $("#child4").val(child4Val); } }); }else if(cityName == "Graz" || cityName == "Salzburg"){ $("#ageKidContainer select").each(function(){ if($(this).val() <= 6){ child1Val = child1Val + 1; $("#child1").val(child1Val); } if($(this).val() > 6 && $(this).val() <= 14){ child2Val = child2Val + 1; $("#child2").val(child2Val); } if($(this).val() > 14 && $(this).val() <= 17){ child3Val = child3Val + 1; $("#child3").val(child3Val); } }); }else if(cityName == "Amsterdam" || cityName == "Rotterdam"){ $("#ageKidContainer select").each(function(){ if($(this).val() <= 6){ child1Val = child1Val + 1; $("#child1").val(child1Val); } if($(this).val() > 6 && $(this).val() <= 15){ child2Val = child2Val + 1; $("#child2").val(child2Val); } if($(this).val() > 15 && $(this).val() <= 17){ child3Val = child3Val + 1; $("#child3").val(child3Val); } }); } if(childsVal + adultsVal > 9){ $("#children1, #children2, #children3, #children4").val(0); $("input[name=adultsXs]").val(childsVal + adultsVal); sessionStorage.setItem("adults", childsVal + adultsVal) sessionStorage.setItem("childs", 0) const text = childsVal + adultsVal + " Adults" $(".peoplesInput").val(text); $("input[name=childs]").val(0) $("input[name=adults]").val(childsVal + adultsVal) }

var children = 0; if($("input[name=children1]").length > 0) { children += parseInt($("input[name=child1]").val()); } if($("input[name=children2]").length > 0) { children += parseInt($("input[name=child2]").val()); } if($("input[name=children3]").length > 0) { children += parseInt($("input[name=child3]").val()); } if($("input[name=children4]").length > 0) { children += parseInt($("input[name=child4]").val()); } //Active selection var houseId = selectedOption.attr('data-id') ? selectedOption.attr('data-id') : 0; $('input[name="house"]').val(houseId); sessionStorage.setItem('selectedHouse', houseId); if(validate(true) == true && (selectedOption.attr('data-city') == originalCity) && isItCitypage()) { $('.cityBtn').html(''); $.ajax({ url: "https://www.aohostels.com/en/test/city/", type: "post", data: $("#cityForm").serialize(), success: function (response) { $('.houses-loader').hide(); $('.cityBtn').html('Check rooms and rates'); $('.house_button span') .css({'background' : '#fc0', 'color': '#3c3c3b'}) .html('Choose room category') $('.image-info').removeClass('default'); $("#apiError").hide(); //Show houses instead of map if($('#openMap').hasClass('active')) { $('#openHouse').click(); } //Hide all houses $('.house_div').hide(); //Show selected house title if(sessionStorage.getItem('selectedHouse') != 0) { $('.city-text-span').text($('.select-options ul li[data-id="' + houseId + '"]').text() + " - Affordable stays"); $('#mainCityLink').show(); } else { $('#mainCityLink').hide(); $('.city-text-span').text("a&o Hostel " + $('.city-select.active').text() + ' - ' + 'Affordable stays'); } // Constants const single = "single"; const double = "double"; const triple = "triple"; const dorm = "dorm"; const femaleDorm = "Female Dorm" const family = "family"; $.each(response, function (i, house) { // Show selected house $(`.house_${house.uid}`).show(); if (house.availability == 1) { var categories = response[i].categories; if(adultsVal == 2 && childsVal ==0){ let doubleCats = categories.filter(c => c.type === double && parseFloat(c.total_price) > 0); if(doubleCats.length>0) { categories = categories.filter(c => c.type !== single); } } var dorms = categories.filter(c => c.type === dorm && c.availability > 0 && c.ga_name !== femaleDorm && c.total_price != 0).sort((a, b) => parseFloat(a.total_price) - parseFloat(b.total_price)); var hotels = categories.filter(c => (c.type === single || c.type === double || c.type === triple || c.type === family) && c.availability > 0 && c.total_price != 0).sort((a, b) => parseFloat(a.total_price) - parseFloat(b.total_price)); var htmlContent = ''; var categoriesShown = 0; if (dorms.length > 0 && categoriesShown < 2) { var cheapestDormHtml = getRoomHtml(dorms[0], house.shortURL,adultsVal,childsVal); htmlContent += `


`; categoriesShown++; } if (hotels.length > 0 && categoriesShown < 2) { var cheapestHotelHtml = getRoomHtml(hotels[0], house.shortURL,adultsVal,childsVal); htmlContent += `


`; categoriesShown++; } if (categoriesShown < 2) { if (dorms.length > 1) { var dormHtml2 = getRoomHtml(dorms[1], house.shortURL,adultsVal,childsVal); htmlContent += `


`; categoriesShown++; } else if (hotels.length > 1) { var hotelHtml2 = getRoomHtml(hotels[1], house.shortURL,adultsVal,childsVal); htmlContent += `


`; categoriesShown++; } } if (categoriesShown === 0 && categories.length === 1) { var onlyCategoryHtml = getRoomHtml(categories[0], house.shortURL,adultsVal,childsVal); htmlContent += `


`; categoriesShown++; } $(`#image-info${house.uid}`).html(htmlContent).css("background-color", "unset"); } else { trackFullyBooked(house); $("#image-info" + house.uid).html("

Sorry, no room available!

").css("background-color", "#f0f2f7"); $("#fakeNav" + house.uid).html('Details & Images').css({'background': '#293a88', 'color' : '#fff'}); $(".roomOverlay" + house.uid).hide(); } }); }, error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { $('.house-loader').hide(); $("#apiError").show(); $('.cityBtn').html('Check rooms and rates'); } }); } else if(validate(true) == true && selectedOption.attr('data-city') != originalCity) { $(".calendarContainer").removeClass("warning"); $('#newCalendar').attr('placeholder','Select travel period'); setTimeout(()=>{ $('.cityBtn').html('Check rooms and rates'); },800) window.location.href = `https://www.aohostels.com/en/${city_url}`; } else { $('.cityBtn').html('Check rooms and rates'); $('.houses-loader').hide(); $('.house_button span') .css({'background' : '#293a88', 'color' : '#fff'}) .html('Details & Images'); } }); // Validate city tool function validate(show) { var valid = true; if($(".select-options ul li.active").text() == '') { if(show) { $(".locationContainer").attr("style", "color: rgb(255, 0, 0) !important;"); $(".locationContainer .select-styled i").css("color", " rgb(255, 0, 0)"); } valid = false; } $('#newCalendar').ready(function() { if ($('#newCalendar').val() === '') { if(show) { $('#newCalendar').attr("placeholder", "Please select a date!"); $('.calendarContainer').addClass("warning"); } valid = false; } }) if($(".ageKids0").length){ $("#ageKidContainer div").each(function(){ if($(this).children().val() === null){ if(parseInt($("input[name=adults]").val()) + parseInt($("input[name=childs]").val()) < 10) { $(this).children().css("border-bottom-color", "red"); $(".adultContainer").addClass('warning'); valid = false; } } }); } if($("#cl_beginInput1").val().length === 0) { // arrival $("#cl_beginInput1_error").show(); valid = false; } else { $("#cl_beginInput1_error").hide(); sessionStorage.setItem("arrival",$('#cl_beginInput2').val()); } if($("#cl_endInput1").val().length === 0) { // departure $("#cl_endInput1_error").show(); valid = false; } else { $("#cl_endInput1_error").hide(); sessionStorage.setItem("departure",$('#cl_endInput2').val()); } var ageKidsObject = {}; $("#ageKidContainer select").each(function(index){ var age = $(this).val(); ageKidsObject[index] = age; }); sessionStorage.setItem("ageKids",JSON.stringify(ageKidsObject)); if(!$.isNumeric($("#adults").val())) { // adults $("#adults_error").show(); valid = false; } else { $("#adults_error").hide(); } return valid; } //Remove border $('#ageKidContainer select').change(function() { $(this).css('border-bottom', '1px solid #ebebeb'); }); // Track if hotel is fully booked function trackFullyBooked(house) { window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; dataLayer.push({ 'event': "hotel_fully_booked", 'event_name': "hotel_fully_booked", 'hotel_name': addslashes(house.name), 'hotel_id': house.uid, 'checkin_date': $("#cl_beginInput2").val(), //checkin date 'checkout_date': $("#cl_endInput2").val(), //checkout date 'num_adults': $("#adults").val(), //Anzahl EW 'num_children': calcChildren(), //Anzahl Kinder (Alter egal) }); } function addslashes(string) { return string.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\'). replace(/\u0008/g, '\\b'). replace(/\t/g, '\\t'). replace(/\n/g, '\\n'). replace(/\f/g, '\\f'). replace(/\r/g, '\\r'). replace(/'/g, '\\\''). replace(/"/g, '\\"'); } // Sum all children function calcChildren() { var children = 0; if (typeof $("input[name=child1]").val() !== 'undefined') { children += parseInt($("input[name=child1]").val()); } if (typeof $("input[name=child2]").val() !== 'undefined') { children += parseInt($("input[name=child2]").val()); } if (typeof $("input[name=child3]").val() !== 'undefined') { children += parseInt($("input[name=child3]").val()); } if (typeof $("input[name=child4]").val() !== 'undefined') { children += parseInt($("input[name=child4]").val()); } return children; }

  • a&o Hostels & Hotels - central, affordable and comfortable (2) Germany
  • Aachen
  • Berlin
  • Bremen
  • Cologne
  • Dortmund
  • Dresden
  • Dusseldorf
  • Frankfurt
  • Hamburg
  • Leipzig
  • Munich
  • Nuremberg
  • Stuttgart
  • Weimar
  • a&o Hostels & Hotels - central, affordable and comfortable (17) Austria
  • Graz
  • Salzburg
  • Vienna
  • a&o Hostels & Hotels - central, affordable and comfortable (21) Niederlande
  • Rotterdam
  • a&o Hostels & Hotels - central, affordable and comfortable (23) Czech Republic
  • Prague
  • a&o Hostels & Hotels - central, affordable and comfortable (25) Italy
  • Florence
  • Venice
  • a&o Hostels & Hotels - central, affordable and comfortable (28) Denmark
  • Copenhagen
  • a&o Hostels & Hotels - central, affordable and comfortable (30) Poland
  • Warsaw
  • a&o Hostels & Hotels - central, affordable and comfortable (32) Hungary
  • Budapest
  • a&o Hostels & Hotels - central, affordable and comfortable (34) Scotland
  • Edinburgh
  • a&o Hostels & Hotels - central, affordable and comfortable (36) England
  • Brighton
  • a&o Hostels & Hotels - central, affordable and comfortable (38) Belgium
  • Antwerp

About a&o Hostels

a&o was founded in 2000 by Oliver Winter and now operates 40 hostels across 26 cities in 10 European countries. Today, a&o is the world’s largest hostel chain, with around 8,000 rooms and over 27,000 beds. The innovative concept of combining hotel and hostel features, along with the central locations of the hostels, makes a&o a popular and successful choice.

At a&o, we offer two distinct types of rooms within the same hostel to cater to different needs and preferences. Our hotel-style rooms include comfortable and modern single rooms, double rooms and family rooms, all available at consistently affordable rates. For budget-conscious guests, whether young or young-at-heart, our hostel rooms with bunk beds are an excellent choice for those eager to explore Europe’s most vibrant cities.

  • a&o offers guests 25 affordable hostels in Germany’s most popular tourist cities: Berlin, Munich, Hamburg, Cologne, Frankfurt, Düsseldorf, Dresden, Leipzig, Nuremberg, Stuttgart,Bremen, Dortmund, Weimar and Aachen.
  • There are also four more hostels in Austria – one of the most picturesque countries in Central Europe. Two are in Vienna, one in Salzburg and another in Graz.
  • Additionally, a&o has many other locations in Europe’s most vibrant cities: Prague (Czech Republic), Budapest (Hungary), Florence (Italy), Venice (Italy), Edinburgh (Scotland), Copenhagen (Denmark), Warsaw (Poland), Brighton (England) and Rotterdam (Netherlands).

a&o Hostels continues to grow

a&o has always grown organically, with all generated profits flowing directly back into the company. a&o continues to expand and develop new locations across Europe . The focus is on Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland and the UK.

All the details and the latest openings can be found here.

a&o Hostels & Hotels - central, affordable and comfortable (2024)
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Article information

Author: Pres. Carey Rath

Last Updated:

Views: 5477

Rating: 4 / 5 (61 voted)

Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.